Clarity Breathwork

Holotropic Breathwork

The Power of Breath

Clarity Breathwork is a transformational modality, formerly known as Rebirthing. This technique, born out of the consciousness era of the 1960s, serves to help us identify, re-evaluate, and re-build our core belief systems.

This simple yet powerful breath gives us deep insights into our current blockages and issues while helping us find healing and compassion for our past experiences. I have trained with the master teachers and founders of this technique, Ashana Solaris and Dana Delong, at the PachaMama center of Costa Rica and Harbin Hot Springs in California, USA.

I took on this study at four distinct levels over a year in 2014 and have since shared the practice with hundreds of passionate students and breathers. This practice changed my life when I found it during a very challenging period. I am constantly encouraged, inspired, and humbled by the power of our very own breath to really, truly tap us into each of our unique Truths. I share this work of Clarity Breathwork in private sessions, small groups, and public group settings.

clarity breathwork quote
I am constantly encouraged, inspired and humbled by the power of our very own breath to really, truly tap us in to each of our unique Truths.

-Avani Gilbert